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About Steve Theunissen
Steve Theunissen is a freelance writer living in Tauranga, New Zealand. He is a former gym owner, personal trainer and school teacher and is the author of six hardcopy books and more than a hundred ebooks on the topics of bodybuilding, fitness and fat loss.
The 12-3-30 Workout: TikTok Fad or Legit Fat Burner?
The 12-3-30 workout, popularized by influencer Lauren Giraldo, involves a treadmill set at a challenging 12% incline, walking at 3 miles per hour for 30 minutes. This dynamic routine, gaining global traction, offers a low-impact, high-intensity approach to fitness.
How to Use Cluster Sets to Boost Your Workouts and Unlock Your True Potential, According to a PT
The set is the basis of everything you do in the gym. It comprises a certain number of reps, after which you rest briefly before moving on to your next set.
What Muscles Does Stationary Biking Work & Other Exercise Benefits
When talking about cardio exercises such as indoor cycling via stationary bikes, many people tend to talk about the weight loss benefits with all the body fat reduction.
Kevin Durant Workout & Diet Program
In this article, we break down Kevin Durant’s workout, supplement, and diet routine so you can see what it takes to stay at the top of the NBA roster.
Stairmaster vs. Treadmill: Which One Should You Be Using?
Not sure whether you should spend your cardio time on the Stairmaster or the treadmill? We’ve got you covered with a head-to-head comparison.
10 Essential Pieces of Equipment Needed to Start a Gym
Investing in gym equipment for your new gym can lead you down a rabbit warren of never-ending expenses. This is a list of the 10 pieces of essential equipment needed to start a gym.
Bike Trainer Types: A Complete Guide To Different Indoor Cycling Options
As a person with an indoor training preference, I know from experience that choosing the right bike trainer type can make or break your training sessions.
Bodyweight vs Weights: What’s Better for Muscle Gain?
Weight training is better for muscle gain than bodyweight exercises. That’s because you are able to progressively overload the muscle with weights.
Adapt Your Gym to Hard Times
For your gym to make it through the hard times, you’ve got to adapt. I’ll run through 13 strategies you can apply to come out the other end as healthy as ever.
Arnold Split: The Best 6 Day Workout Split
Discover the training split and exact workout Arnold Schwarzenegger followed to achieve his best physique ever for the 1974 Mr. Olympia.
Ryan Reynolds Workout and Diet Program
Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool Workout and Complete Diet Plan. Show me a man in his mid-40s who can execute a perfect standing backflip and I’ll show you a guy who’s got it together physically.
Why Do Powerlifters Use Powerlifting Mouthguards?
This article was created for a dental hygiene site.
It’s a good example of using research studies to provide scientific evidence to support a contention.
Returning to the Gym After a Layoff: Essential Tips
Here’s an article I wrote for Gymaholic. co on returning to the gym after taking time off. This was very topical as people returned to their workouts after the COVID lockdowns.
Add an Inch to Your Biceps in 30 Days
Here’s an example of an ebook I created as a lead magnet.
I have written more than 50 similar ebooks on everything from weight loss to agility training and bodybuilding.
7 Exercises for Pole Dancers (Part 1 of 3)
Here’s an article I wrote for on the best exercises for pole dancers to get in top shape.
Chris Pratt Workout and Diet Program
This is an example of a celebrity workout profile.
This is just one of dozens of profiles I have created for
How To Find, Set & Meet the Expectations of Your Gym Members
This is one of a series of articles I did for GymDesk targeting gym management with advice on how to increase sales, minimize attrition and exceed gym member expectations. It showcases how my 35 years gym insider experience can be leveraged to enhance content.

Pricing Packages
Take a look at my discounted gym packages (and then compare them to what those cookie-cutter agencies are charging) …
Weekly Blog Package
On the 1st of every month, I will supply you with 4 SEO enhanced articles that cover the fitness topics you select.
Every four weeks you will receive a personalized formatted newsletter that contains 3 articles, 2 tip sections, a member FAQ and a nutrition guide that you can blast out to your email list.
Bi-weekly Blog Package
You’ll get eight articles per month, allowing you to post on your blog twice per week to optimize your Google ranking and provide a feast of fitness content to educate, encourage and engage your readers.
Social Media Marketing Package
If your gym doesn’t have a vibrant social media presence, it’ll soon be left in the dust. This package provides a combination of 30 social media posts every 30 days, across a range of platforms.
Let’s talk about what I can do for you …
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